To Stay True or Take the Mass Market Route?

Greg founded TAB Group Pte. Ltd. in 2019 to serve the corporate and private events market. Greg wanted to curate unique events with selected vendors and roll out these events using a seamless and transparent process for customers. Response was good and TAB was ready to scale up. Then Covid-19 struck in December 2019.

The Ticketing System That Couldn’t

In today’s competitive market, companies must rely on technology to scale the business and operate efficiently Author: Jeremy Bess, Deva Boone, Chase Dafnis, Kristiaan Gaines, Daniel Kiger Link: Cite As: Bess, J., Boone, D., Dafnis, C., Gaines, K. and Kiger, D. (2021). The ticketing system that couldn’t. Muma Case Review 6(21). 1-19.

Rock, Paper, Concrete…

MAVNS, a successful construction company, has been staying ahead of the innovation curve as it relates to construction technology and site development over the past few decades. However, stagnation in the evolution of its employee time keeping processes has created a snowball effect of other issues that are ultimately costing profitability and significant competitive advantage. …

Is It Time to Retire?

Brad McIntire, President of Conserv Building Services, sat in his office, wondering if it was time to retire. Once again, Technology, his nemesis, had derailed his organization and brought it to a standstill. Brad was thinking, “I think these I.T. guys are literally going to be the death of me.”

Enabling Cities to Harness the Full Potential of the Internet of Things

Jamie Cudden, the Smart City Programme Manager for Dublin City Council (DCC), had just participated in the most recent review of the sensor-enabled smart gully project in Dublin city. Tasked with exploring how technology can help address city challenges to create a ‘smarter’ Dublin, Jamie wondered why more smart sensor applications were not being identified …