Category «Case»

Meals On Wheels of Tampa Confronts COVID-19

Meals on Wheels of Tampa (MOWT), a 501(C)3 tax-exempt organization founded in 1975, delivers hot meals to people in need in the community, mostly the elderly and the homebound that live alone. The meals are prepared, packaged and delivered by the organization on a daily basis, approximately 870 meals per day. Beneficiaries of the program …

A Lobbyist’s Dilemma

Georgia Lobbyist, Jet Toney, didn’t know what to do. There were 11 days left in the 2020 Georgia legislative session and the Governor, Lieutenant Governor, and Speaker of the House had decided, due to the rapid spread of COVID-19, to suspend the session to a time indeterminate. This had never happened, not even in wartime. …

Selection of Collegewide Course Materials

Due to COVID-19 pandemic a college with eight different campus locations moved its face to face courses online. The college decided to list all courses under one main campus since the regional locations did not matter now. There was a course materials issue since the professors from each of the campuses use their own materials. …

Driving Profitability at the Hungry Dragon

The local neighborhood watering hole was an age-old tradition in cities and towns across America. Such “dive” bars were often frequented by regulars (repeat local customers who the bartender may well know by name) as well as transient customers who happened to be in town or noticed the inviting bar signage in passing. When long-time …

Techgenics’ Data Security Compliance

 “This is bad, really bad,” Jay Santos thought to himself. An email from Microsoft greeted him first thing in the morning with news of several new vulnerabilities, many that the software manufacturer had rated as critical. What troubled Jay was that the vulnerable software subsystem was the remote desktop protocol (see Exhibit 1). The use …

Social Suicide: Show Me the Money

Roger Capote, Senior Vice President of Corporate Services at CAN Community Health (CAN), oversaw the event planning team hosting the 20th Anniversary CANDance revenue in the fall of 2019. The event was inspired by the hit television show “Dancing with the Stars.” At the affair, affluent philanthropic community members competed for two championship titles, “Dance …

Centralization: Opening the Window of Opportunity

Edgar Madera, the Global Director of Engineering for Strategic and Capital Projects at Legit Global had been under a great deal of pressure lately; Madera had been tasked by Tad Legit, the Executive Vice President (EVP) at Legit Global to centralize engineering processes. Madera had worked with Legit long enough to know quick decisions that …