Issue with links to cases has been resolved
We have moved all the links to cases and documents and the site should be fully operational now.
We have moved all the links to cases and documents and the site should be fully operational now.
We are experiencing an issue with accessing publications from the website. This was precipitated by the file server of the Informing Science Institute being relocated.
The Muma Case Review is pleased to announce the publication of its special series of COVID-19 discussion case studies. As cases are added to the series, they will be accessible under the COVID category.
This checklist should be used in formatting cases for final publication in the Muma Case Review: Case Production Checklist
To remain consistent with Informing Science standards, and to smooth the path for later inclusion in open access journal indexes, we are now publishing all cases and technical notes under a Creative Commons BY-NC license. This license allows for unlimited copying and modification of published work, provided attribution is given.
Welcome to the home page of the Muma Case Review. We are currently completing and revising our initial round of case studies, and we expect to go live in early September 2016.