Category «Management»

Social Suicide: Show Me the Money

Roger Capote, Senior Vice President of Corporate Services at CAN Community Health (CAN), oversaw the event planning team hosting the 20th Anniversary CANDance revenue in the fall of 2019. The event was inspired by the hit television show “Dancing with the Stars.” At the affair, affluent philanthropic community members competed for two championship titles, “Dance …

Centralization: Opening the Window of Opportunity

Edgar Madera, the Global Director of Engineering for Strategic and Capital Projects at Legit Global had been under a great deal of pressure lately; Madera had been tasked by Tad Legit, the Executive Vice President (EVP) at Legit Global to centralize engineering processes. Madera had worked with Legit long enough to know quick decisions that …

Glazer Children’s Museum

In May 2016, Jennifer Stancil, the new president and chief executive officer (CEO) of Glazer Children’s Museum in Tampa, Florida was considering further steps to take toward her goal of making the downtown museum an educational and entertainment destination for children and their families. The CEO had been hired on November 23, 2015 with a …

The Good Egg

Ken Pendery, the CEO of the First Watch restaurant chain, wonders how he should proceed with with the Good Egg Arizona restaurants that it had acquired–located more than 1,000 miles from the nearest company-owned First Watch: Convert them to First Watch, leave them be, institute the First Watch menu but leave The Good Egg flag…?