
Signing Up to Be Reviewer

Muma Case Review uses the Informing Science Institute’s peer review system. To serve as a review, you should sign up for a colleague account. In filling out the data, be sure that you select the PSRC as a review option. You may, of course, choose to review for other journals (such as the Muma Business Review) but this will likely mean that you will receive review assignments outside the conference.

Depending upon the number of submissions and number of reviewers, you may expect up to three papers and/or panel proposals to review for the conference.

Signup Procedure

Step 1: Go to

Step 2: If you have not already done so, select Sign Up

Step 3: After clicking Sign Up, sign up got a free Colleague Account. This will allow you to access the review system as a reviewer or as an author.

Free colleague account

Note: You will need a headshot, roughly square, for this step. If you don’t have one handy, you can use any photo, then edit it later in your profile. Similarly, to serve as a reviewer, you will need to have a CV available. This is used to assess the fit between reviewer applicants and the particular journal or conference an individual is applying to. It is only seen by editors and conference organizers.

Step 4: Log in to the system (if you are not already logged in) and access your dashboard, to edit your Profile.

Select profile

Step 5: Edit your profile elements in order to set yourself up as a reviewer

Profile elements

Step 5a: Personal Info includes a photo as noted above.

Step 5b: Account Info allows you to set and reset your password.

Step 5c: Academic Info is important since it allows us to prevent reviews being assigned to individuals in the same institution as the author. This is also where you will upload your CV, which must be present when you apply to be a reviewer.

Step 5d: Topics is where you specify topics for which you are willing to review. This is very important since it is used to identify reviewers that match the topic of a specific paper.

Step 5e: Reviewing Options is where you can sign up to be a reviewer. At the bottom of page, there will be a button where you can request to serve as a reviewer. If you have not already done so, you will need to upload a CV as part of this process. Be sure to select Muma Case Review. You are also encouraged to consider reviewing for the Muma Business Review (MBR).

Request to review